Non-bank business lenders and credit providers know how difficult it is to get approved for a business bank loan. When they see a reporting bank loan on your business credit reports, it signals to the non- bank business lenders and credit providers that your business is for real.
Too many business owners think that obtaining a business loan from a bank is an impossible dream. Well, it isn’t. Our Business Finance & Credit Building System has a proven method for obtaining your first business bank loan and a list of the banks that have worked with thousands of our members in both extending and reporting those loans.
Just having a bank loan is only one way your business banking relationship affects your business credit, including your ability to get approved for vendor credit lines and business credit cards. The single most important factor is the date you opened your business checking account.
Most business owners assume that the day they incorporated or filed for their business license is the day their business began. This is simply not the case. Business lenders consider the date you opened your business bank account as the actual start date for your business. So, if you incorporated in 2012, but opened your business checking account in 2015 then, as far as lenders are concerned, your business started in 2015.
If you are serious about the success of your business then you will need to know:
- How to properly address the compliance items required by most lenders and credit providers;
- How to properly go about building strong business credit scores with the national business credit reporting agencies;
- How to properly manage your business banking relationships;
Now you have a choice to make. You can spend hundreds of hours searching the internet trying to find all the vital information you need, or you can simply access our CFC Business Finance & Credit Building System which has consolidated everything into one convenient place. Our system is an extremely comprehensive guide that instructs you step-by-step to get it all done the right way and in the shortest possible amount of time.