BELIEVE: as to accept something as true, genuine, or real something we believe in, To have a firm conviction, to consider to be true or honest.
Two years ago, LeBron James made one of the biggest and most surprising decisions in basketball. He went back home to Cleveland, the same city that burned his jersey and cursed his name, to play for the Cleveland Cavaliers. The only way he could have ever made the decision to leave leave Miami, Florida, one of the most beautiful places in the United States, and move back to Cleveland, Ohio one of the coldest places in the United States, is strictly because he believed he had the blueprint to bring the city of Cleveland and the state of Ohio a NBA Championship. That’s exactly what he did! And as a LeBron James fan, I’m glad he did!
As soon as the Golden State Warriors had completed their miraculous comeback against the Oklahoma City Thunder to assure a rematch of the NBA Finals, they were the favorites. Vegas said so, as did the talking heads constantly cluttering ESPN’s airwaves. No one believed in LeBron James and the Cavaliers. Unless you talked to people in Cleveland. To commemorate the city’s faith in the Wine and Gold, Nike launched the Believe marketing campaign. The crown jewel of the marketing strategy came via local artist and Ilthy clothing company owner Glen Infante, who live painted a mural of 12 players above a bold, wine-colored “Believe” outside Quicken Loans Arena. –
What does it take to have that kind of belief?
What is required from someone to believe that against all odds you can accomplish the goal(s) you have set out to achieve?
What do you believe in?
When you have a desire to establish a business, you have to believe in that business 100%. If not, failure is a given. As I think about all the success that I have seen in my life and the lives of other, one thing is in common, we all believed we would be successful.
I have spoken to a lot of people who want to start a business. Actually, there are over 500,000 businesses that open every year and over 500,000 that close down. I would have to say; those who really believe in what they are doing, usually stay the course and continue fighting. They will do whatever it takes to stay open.
What is the main reason for such a change?
Well, to me, it’s a lack of capital for one. Think about this:
If I have a way for you to grow your business and you say you do not have the means to invest in your growth and then I tell you to find someone to invest in you or your business, and you tell me that you don’t want that person to take that type of risk, then I guess you really don’t believe in the success of your business. Maybe it is time to move on. I believe having strong personal credit and building business credit is the most important aspect of being successful as it relates to business.
Let me share a story I read a few years ago: A millionaire was asked about a partnership he had with his company in the early stages. His company was struggling and the partner asked for a buyout. The millionaire agreed and continued to struggle for a while until the business finally exploded and eventually the company went public. The interviewer asked the Millionaire, “How were you able to hang in there so long?”. The Millionaire replied: “YOU’VE GOT TO BELIEVE”.
- What do you believe you should be doing?
- What type of business are you willing to take a risk for?
- Are you willing to do what it takes to be successful?
- Do you believe in yourself?
- How successful do you really believe you can be?
Well, let me make this easy for you: All you have to do is believe and after you believe, continue to believe, and I guarantee you will be successful